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Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Viewing Life

Is it too short that you want to live life to the fullest?
Do you work hard to be ready when you get old?
Do you rather enjoy life while you're young?
Do you plan your life from the early age to your old age?

Whatever you do, do not be afraid to express your self. People around you will tell you many things to drag you down. The day you stop expressing your self is the day you die. Never live in someone else's expectations. You will be trapped and unable to live life as you should be. Let people think of what you are. Alway keep in mind, represent your self in a possitive way. Avoid conflict and be humble. You will grow strong and not alone.

Do not fear old age and your future being screwed up. Balance work and enjoying life. You don't need to be rich. Have what's enough. Save your cash and only buy what is needed. Do not drown your self in debt. Never spend money you don't have. To know what is enough, is when you are truly satisfied. Don't try to obtain what you can't afford. If you put some cash aside, you will have enough in a year or a few months to buy luxuries.

If you deside to work hard, it is a respectable choice. You will be able to provide not only for your self but also for those who are inneed. Make sure that you're not working hard to waste it on luxuries just for keeps. Save most of your money for your future family and unexpected health problems. You will live stronger and capable of bouncing back when in trouble.

Every sacrifice in life should be worth it. When you have enough, don't try to obtain too much. When you obtain too much, you will lose too much. When you know what is suficient, you'll know how to take care of your self. When you know how to take care of your self, you will have time to learn of being healthy.

God gave us this life and it is his greatest gift. Even if you don't believe in God, why do you bother living? Our life is obviously the most important thing we have. It is the only true possession that is worth keeping. No other things should be more important.

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